Massive weight loss has its upsides such as confidence boosts and overall better health, but also downsides such as loose skin after weight loss. Whether you had massive weight loss via surgery such as gastric bypass or conventional methods, loose skin is a recurring post-bariatric problem. The weight gain stretched your skin, and now that it has been removed your skin has lost its elasticity. This is where plastic and cosmetic surgery comes in as it can help massive weight loss patients achieve their body goals through highly effective fat and skin removal surgeries.
After massive weight loss, the best time to consider getting a plastic surgery procedure is when your weight is stable. Stable weight needs to be maintained for at least three months. This means that if you have any weight loss or weight gain, you should wait. The only time you could consider post-bariatric plastic surgery would be for skin removal if it creates mobility issues, irritations, or any other complications. Discussing your situation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Askari, will help you decide if post-bariatric surgery is something you could do right away or if waiting is a better option.
There are multiple body contouring options after losing massive amounts of weight or after bariatric surgery, depending on the goals of the patient regarding their body. Depending upon the type of procedure, the cost of after-weight loss plastic surgery in Miami ranges between $10,000–$30,000. At our Miami office, Revive Surgical Institute, we are transparent about our pricing and offer an instant quote online to give you an idea of the cost for your post-massive weight loss body contouring surgery.
This varies depending on your needs. Some people have sagging skin after weight loss, this problem is addressed by surgery that removes skin, such as lifts. For example, arm lifts, body lifts, and butt lifts will treat loose skin. While some, after massive weight loss, have issues with low or lack volume, contours, and shape in certain areas of their body. Different techniques such as breast implants and Brazilian butt lifts can shape and contour these areas by adding volume.
The patient must be close to their goal weight before considering post-bariatric cosmetic surgery and should be able to maintain this weight for six months. If you do not have a stable weight, you should consult Dr. Askari before making any decision. Like any other medical procedure, plastic surgery after massive weight loss has its side effects like scars or the formation of seroma. You should go over all the risks and benefits of the surgery with Dr. Askari before coming to any conclusion.
Immediately after the surgery, the patient will experience the following:
A few weeks and months post-surgery, you will be able to see your new body shape and healed scars. These body contouring surgeries will not stop your skin from sagging if you lose and gain weight in the future. Scarring due to the incisions will be permanent but will fade with time.
You can get plastic surgery after bariatric surgery whenever your weight is the closest to your goal and is stable. Which is most likely to be 12 to 18 months after the gastric bypass or gastric banding surgery.