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Body Contouring, Excess
Skin Removal, Cosmetic &
Plastic Surgery After Massive
Weight Loss in Miami

Massive weight loss has its upsides such as confidence boosts and overall better health, but also downsides such as loose skin after weight loss. Whether you had massive weight loss via surgery such as gastric bypass or conventional methods, loose skin is a recurring post-bariatric problem. The weight gain stretched your skin, and now that it has been removed your skin has lost its elasticity. This is where plastic and cosmetic surgery comes in as it can help massive weight loss patients achieve their body goals through highly effective fat and skin removal surgeries.

What is bariatric surgery?

Gastric bypass and other weight loss surgeries are referred to as bariatric surgery, a type of surgery involving changes in your digestive system to help you lose weight. Post-bariatric surgery or post-massive weight loss, plastic surgeons perform body contouring, a procedure through which excess skin is eliminated.

Plastic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss in Miami. The Different Skin Removal After Massive Weight Loss Surgical Options:

Based on your concerns and needs here are the most common surgeries. To target excessive skin on your arms an arm lift is recommended. For your breast, excessive sagginess and skin can be corrected by breast lift or a breast reduction if you also have excess breast tissue. Upper body lift, bra roll lift, and back lift will target excess skin on the upper part of your body and back. If you are concerned about excess skin on your abdomen a tummy tuck or Fleur De Lis tummy tuck can help improve. A Body Lift (360), or Lower body lift will help remove the excess skin on your overall torso and improve your overall body shape. For your lower body excess skin, a butt lift or Brazilian butt lift will help improve your buttocks' shape and/or volume, and a full thigh lift will remove excess skin on your thighs.
Arm Lift
Arm lift is also known as Brachioplasty and is a loose skin surgery performed on the underside of the upper arm that is often referred to as “bat wings.” It targets the loose skin caused by the major weight loss. In this procedure, the surgeon makes incisions along the armpit to the elbow to remove the extra skin. The incision is made on the underside of the arm so that the surgical scar is well hidden. The surgeon cuts away the excess skin, and the amount cut depends upon the patient varies.
Breast Lift
Breast lift is also known as mastopexy and is done to lift your breast by removing and/or shifting the excess skin and breast tissue present. In this procedure, excess tissue is removed from the upper breast to make your breast look more upright and to improve your upper body appearance. Depending on the severity of the droopiness, two to three incisions will be necessary. The nipple and areola will be placed in a new position and the breast will be reshaped around them.
Breast Reduction
In this procedure, incisions are made down each breast and around the areola. Through these incisions, excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are removed from each breast to reduce its size and the breast is reshaped while the nipple and areola are repositioned.
Bra Roll Lift
Bra roll lift targets the fat pockets and excess skin after weight loss present on the upper and middle back. During this excess skin removal surgery, an incision is made horizontally across the back to create contours for the upper back, as the scar formed is well-hidden under the bra.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
In this procedure, your surgeon will make hip-to-hip incisions at the bottom of your stomach to remove excess skin and fat between your pubic region and your belly button region. Your abdominal muscles will tighten during your procedure and diastasis recti will be corrected. The amount of fat and skin removed depends upon the shape and length of the incision. The skin around your belly button will be repositioned and your belly button will be sutured in its normal position. The incision in your pubic area will be stitched together and it will fall with the natural crease of your bikini line.
Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck
In this body contouring procedure, the surgeon will make two incisions, the first standard incision for a tummy tuck is a hip bone-to-hip bone incision. The second incision is a vertical incision starting from the bottom of your ribs to your pubic area, where the two incisions will intersect. The additional incision allows your surgeon to remove skin and fat from the side of your abdominal area along with the fat present on the left and right of the incision instead of just removing the fat below the incision. Due to this, Fleur De Lis is said to remove more skin than normal tummy tuck procedures. It’s often recommended for patients who have had a massive weight loss.
Back lifts are also known as torsoplasty and are done to remove the loose skin after weight present on your back and are often done alongside other body contouring procedures. In the procedure, your skin is pulled to create a slender, wrinkle-less, and overall smooth appearance. An incision is made across the back and excess tissue is removed. The skin is then sutured in such a way that the skin appears toned and smooth. Liposuction may also be combined with this procedure to remove excess fat.
bariatric surgery & Massive Weight Loss miami
Body Lift (360)
For the body lift procedure, incisions are made following the bikini pattern to tighten the thigh, buttock, waist, and abdomen area in one procedure. This type of body contouring may include every other type of body contouring depending on your needs.
Lower Body Lift
Also known as a belt lipectomy, this body contouring surgery after massive weight loss combines a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with a thigh lift. To remove the excess sagging skin your board-certified plastic surgeon will make incisions from the back around to the front of the thighs. The main goal is to remove the excess skin and fat tissue.
Upper Body Lift
This surgical procedure removes excess skin from the upper back and extends to the side of the chest or side of the body. The body upper lift tightens the skin by removing the skin excess. The scars are often hidden under the bra line and fade away with time.
Butt Lift
In this procedure, the plastic surgeon will make an incision along the lower back, from one hip bone to the other. The excess skin present below the incision is pulled up, because of which the buttocks are lifted. Afterwards, extra skin and fat are removed. The procedure takes up to 2 or 3 hours to complete.
Brazilian Butt Lift
Also known as a BBL, this procedure enhances your buttocks by removing fat from other parts of your body via liposuction and re-injecting it into your buttocks. Generally, the fat is removed from other problem areas, these include your lower abdomen, thighs, and hips. As a result, it improves the overall appearance of your body.
Full Thigh Lift
Thigh lift is also called thighplasty and is done to remove excess skin and fat present in your thigh area. This procedure helps achieve smoother thighs and makes you feel more comfortable. In this procedure, two incisions are done, one on the inner thigh and the other on the outer thigh. On the inner thigh, lift incisions are placed in the groin, extending downward, and wrapping around the back thigh. While on the outer thigh, the incision is marked extending from the groin around the hip and across the back. These incisions allow the surgeon to take out excess skin and fat.
A panniculectomy is a procedure that aims to remove excess loose hanging skin and fat from the lower abdomen after a major weight loss. Compared to a tummy tuck, this procedure removes the excess skin interfering with your daily activities without repairing the abdominal muscles. The goal is to improve your health and appearance.
While these lifts help get rid of the excess skin after massive weight loss, techniques such as liposuction and other body contouring surgeries can also be combined with these to help improve the overall shape of the body.

Is It Possible to Combine Multiple Excess Skin Removal Cosmetic Surgeries Post-Major Weight Loss?

Yes, it is possible to combine multiple after-weight loss surgeries, like tummy tuck, back lift, breast lift, and more. However, areas like legs and arms cannot be done together, as it reduces mobility while recovering. One procedure or multiple procedures can be performed depending upon the amount of skin and fat needed to be removed and your goals and expectations with your body.

What Is the Best Time to Start Getting Skin Removal Surgeries After Massive Weight Loss Plastic?

After massive weight loss, the best time to consider getting a plastic surgery procedure is when your weight is stable. Stable weight needs to be maintained for at least three months. This means that if you have any weight loss or weight gain, you should wait. The only time you could consider post-bariatric plastic surgery would be for skin removal if it creates mobility issues, irritations, or any other complications. Discussing your situation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Askari, will help you decide if post-bariatric surgery is something you could do right away or if waiting is a better option.

What Is the Recovery Like After Excess Skin Removal Post Massive Weight Loss in Miami?

The time needed to recover depends on the type of surgery performed. The recovery from a breast lift alone versus a breast lift with a lower body lift will be very different. Typically, it takes about one to two weeks to recover, and several months for a patient to recover fully from a post-massive weight loss surgery. You will most likely feel soreness in your body during the first four weeks following the procedure. To recover quickly, listen to the instructions given to you by Dr. Askari and Revive Team. Also, keep in mind that based on your significant amount of weight loss, and the amount of excess skin, more than one surgery might be required. Based on that, you will have to wait for three to six months before getting another post-massive weight loss cosmetic surgery.

Who Is a Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss in Miami? Candidate For Excess Skin Removal Surgeries

You are likely a good candidate for plastic surgery after weight loss in Miami if:
do not smoke
You do not smoke
stable weight
You have a stable weight
general good health
You are generally healthy
realistic expectations
You have realistic expectations
committed to stable weight
You are committed to maintaining a stable weight
The best candidates for plastic surgery after weight loss are those who have reached their weight goals and are committed to maintaining them. Patients with the biggest advantage are those who have minimal fat but excess skin in certain areas. Expectations such as scars are also important as it is a big part of plastic surgery after significant weight loss.

What Is The Cost of Post Massive Weight Loss Plastic Surgery In Miami? How Much Is Skin Removal Surgery After Weight Loss

There are multiple body contouring options after losing massive amounts of weight or after bariatric surgery, depending on the goals of the patient regarding their body. Depending upon the type of procedure, the cost of after-weight loss plastic surgery in Miami ranges between $10,000–$30,000. At our Miami office, Revive Surgical Institute, we are transparent about our pricing and offer an instant quote online to give you an idea of the cost for your post-massive weight loss body contouring surgery.

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Frequently Asked Questions About After
Weight Loss Plastic Surgery

Which surgical procedure do I need after a massive weight loss?

This varies depending on your needs. Some people have sagging skin after weight loss, this problem is addressed by surgery that removes skin, such as lifts. For example, arm lifts, body lifts, and butt lifts will treat loose skin. While some, after massive weight loss, have issues with low or lack volume, contours, and shape in certain areas of their body. Different techniques such as breast implants and Brazilian butt lifts can shape and contour these areas by adding volume.

What should I consider before getting plastic surgery after weight loss?

The patient must be close to their goal weight before considering post-bariatric cosmetic surgery and should be able to maintain this weight for six months. If you do not have a stable weight, you should consult Dr. Askari before making any decision. Like any other medical procedure, plastic surgery after massive weight loss has its side effects like scars or the formation of seroma. You should go over all the risks and benefits of the surgery with Dr. Askari before coming to any conclusion.

Will the loose and excess skin tighten after massive weight loss?
After small and moderate weight loss, your skin will probably retract on its own, but for significant weight loss, your skin elasticity will not be as good as before. You may need to get body contouring surgery or other medical procedures to tighten or get rid of loose skin.
In which area should I start my post-massive weight loss cosmetic surgery?
The area or areas on which a patient should start cosmetic surgery after massive weight loss will depend on the patient's needs. You should start with the area that bothers you the most. During your consultation, you can discuss with your plastic surgeon, and figure out with him which area is best for you to start on. You can start with one area like an arm lift or multiple areas such as breast lift and tummy tuck.
What should massive weight loss patients expect after their body contouring

Immediately after the surgery, the patient will experience the following:

  • Discomfort
  • Possible numbness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling 

A few weeks and months post-surgery, you will be able to see your new body shape and healed scars. These body contouring surgeries will not stop your skin from sagging if you lose and gain weight in the future. Scarring due to the incisions will be permanent but will fade with time.

Should massive weight loss patients have plastic surgery?
After massive weight loss, people end up with loose and sagging skin. This is because you do not lose your skin with weight loss and most patients in the end have extra skin. Body contouring after weight loss helps in getting rid of that extra skin and is a great way of achieving your body goals. Life after massive weight loss can be a little uncomfortable because of all the extra skin.
Is plastic surgery after weight loss covered by insurance in Miami?
Insurance companies generally cover weight loss surgeries but do not always cover cosmetic surgeries needed to remove excess skin after massive weight loss. Contacting our office will be necessary to see.
How is excess skin removed after weight loss?
Excess skin after massive weight loss or bariatric surgery can be removed by body contouring procedures like an arm lift, butt lift, body lift, etc. It will require incisions creating scars that will fade with time.
How long after bariatric surgery can I get plastic surgery?

You can get plastic surgery after bariatric surgery whenever your weight is the closest to your goal and is stable. Which is most likely to be 12 to 18 months after the gastric bypass or gastric banding surgery.

Will insurance cover skin removal after weight loss?
The removal of loose skin after weight loss can be covered by insurance. It will vary based on your surgery, provider, medical insurance, plan, states, etc. Contacting your provider before your consultation can allow you to determine if your insurance is covering your excess skin removal surgery after weight loss.
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