
Best breast augmentation in Miami, FL

Our breast augmentation expert, board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami, Dr. Askari offers different types of breast augmentation by using breast implants: silicone and saline, and the patient's own tissue. At Revive Surgical Institute, we use Sientra gummy bear breast implants, these are only available to board-certified plastic surgeons and are more cohesive making them superior to others.

best breast augmentation miami

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Miami, FL

Breast augmentations in Miami are done to increase the size and form of the breast using an implant or the patient's own tissue.

You can choose the types of breast implants you want between silicone breast implants and saline breast implants. Using your own breast tissue such as fat transfer can also enlarge the size of the breast. Silicone implants are made of silicone gel and saline implants are a silicone shell with the saline solution inside. Usually, only a small incision is needed below the breast or around the areola to place the breast implants.

Different types of breast augmentation with breast implant

Silicone breast implants in Miami

Silicone breast implants are the most popular types of implants used during breast augmentation in Miami, and United States. The silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel. Based on your goals and the shape of the breast, Dr. Askari, plastic surgeon, will help you choose the perfect types of breast implants for you. Silicone gel-filled implants offer you the possibility to choose between different profiles (more or less wide), and sizes between 100cc to 800cc. We use Sientra silicone breast implants, exclusive to board-certified plastic surgeons, that offer more cohesive breast implants helping prevent silicone gel from leaking into the body in case of implant ruptures.

SALINE breast implants in Miami

Saline breast implants are silicone shells filled with sterile salt water aka saline solution. This type of implant offers different sizes and shapes. You can achieve bigger sizes than silicone implants when the saline implant is overfilled, but it also increases the risk of rupture. If the implant ruptures the saline solution will be absorbed by the body. The saline-filled implants are a higher risk of rupture.

No implant | Breast augmentation with fat transfer

At times, it may be possible to use the patient’s own fat harvested through liposuction to augment the size of the breast. The fat transfer, called fat grafting, helps increase the size of the breast. But if you are looking to change the shape of your breast or gain more than one cup size, saline or silicone breast implants 
will be recommended.

What Is Recovery Like After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Recovery after a breast augmentation surgery varies based on the patient pain levels, types of implants, size of the breast implants, and types of incisions. Most patients feel well after a week, but we advise you to avoid any strenuous activity or exercise until you heal. The total recovery time varies per patient, but expect up to six weeks for a full recovery before being able to lift or exercise. You can expect sutures to dissolve fully within this time.

It is not uncommon to experience pain after breast augmentation surgery. Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Askari may prescribe pain medication 
to provide relief after surgery.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Miami?

Breast augmentation Miami prices depend on the extent of the procedure and the implant selected. For breast implant surgery using silicone implants, the average cost for the best breast augmentation Miami Beach varies between $4,000 to $10,000. Saline breast implants are usually a little cheaper. The cost of this plastic surgery varies based on the surgeon's experience & education, the complexity of the procedure, and the types of breast implants used.

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Who are Ideal Candidates for Breast Implants in Miami?

Who are Ideal Candidates for Breast Implants in Miami?

The candidate for breast implants is someone unhappy about the appearance of their breasts and is looking for more volume & slightly different shapes.

ideal candidates for breast implant miami

The FDA regulations only allow patients 22 years old and older to have silicone implants placed, but saline breast implants are an option for 18 years and older.

breast implant candidates miami

The ideal candidate for breast enhancement Miami is someone healthy, non-smoker, not pregnant or breastfeeding, stable weight, and informed about the realistic expectations of the procedure.

How to choose between silicone and saline breast implants?

First, depending on your age you will not have the option to get silicone gel implants for your breast augmentation procedure as the FDA guidelines prevent placing silicone implants for patients under 22 years old, unless it's used for reconstructive purposes. You can choose between silicone or saline breast implants depending on what you are looking for, silicone breast implants give a more natural feel while saline breast implants are firmer . Following are some pros and cons of silicone and saline breast implants that can help you in reaching a better decision for yourself: 


Saline breast implants are firm and hard, while on the other hand, silicone breast implants are soft and squishier thus giving a more natural feel.


Saline implants are usually very full, and round. If you have thin skin, these implants can be more easily seen and can also cause rippling. They look less natural than silicone implants. Silicone gel implants look more natural and provide better size and shape than saline implants. This type of implant offers more possibilities to improve the shape of your breasts.


Breast implants do rupture in some breast augmentation patients, but the risk is very low. Generally, saline implants 
are more likely to rupture as compared to silicone implants. The leaked sterile water is absorbed by your body leaving behind the silicon shell for the breast augmentation surgeon
 to remove. The quality and brand of the implant play a major role in such incidents. In the newest implants, silicone is firmer and more glued together because of which it is more cohesive and less likely to leak.

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Augmentation

Is breast augmentation painful?

Generally, breast augmentation causes negligible pain, and over-the-counter medications are enough to manage any kind of discomfort faced after the surgery. These over-the-counter medications include Advil and Tylenol. How much pain you may experience post-surgery depends upon two factors: 

  • Your pain tolerance: some people are better at dealing with pain, these people are said to have a high tolerance level, while others cannot cope with pain easily and are said to have a low tolerance level. The discomfort experienced post-surgery also depends on your pain tolerance level.
  • Amount of pain you can anticipate with time: the pain experienced during and after the surgery can be broken down into four stages. The first stage is just after the surgery, you may experience slight aching and tightness in your breast. The second stage is hours after the surgery, you may continue experiencing slight discomfort in your breast. The third stage is days after the surgery; this is the time when you are most likely to feel pain as the healing process has finally begun. The fourth stage is weeks after the surgery, you may feel slight soreness which may decrease with time, and after a month, most of your soreness will be gone.
Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Safe?

Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia or conscious sedation, as a result, the patient feels no pain during the procedure. If you do not have any previous complications with general anesthesia, you will face limited risks. Our board-certified plastic surgeon will help you in taking the best decision for yourself. The procedure lasts for no more than 2 to 3 hours, after which the patient can go some easily. 

How Long Is the Recovery After Breast Augmentation?
You will probably have a lot of swelling after the surgery and feel sore for about 2 to 3 weeks. You may also feel a sensation of pulling and stretching in your breast area. This may last for a few weeks, after which you will start to feel stronger and better. Your newer breast will feel firmer and look rounder. In the starting few days after the surgery, your breast might feel numb, but it will improve with time. Following are some ways you can help yourself at home:
- Activity: post-surgery, it is recommended that you reduce physical activity and allow your body to rest. You will probably be able to go back to your normal work after 1 to 2 weeks.
- Diet: drink plenty of fluids and eat your regular diet. If you have an upset stomach, try to eat low-fat, bland foods. Unusual bowel movements post-surgery is very normal.
- Medicines: you can ask your consulted doctor for over-the-counter medications to lower pain post-surgery.
- Incision care: Your consulted doctor will give you instructions on how to take care of your incisions, in addition to taking care of the incision by washing the area daily with warm, soapy water and patting it dry. You should not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as these substances can slow down the recovery.
- Use ice: Place ice packs on your breast for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. This will help your swelling to reduce.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?
Breast implants do not expire but still are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. The average lifetime of silicon or saline implants is around 10 to 20 years. Generally, they are removed sooner because of complications or cosmetic concerns. The majority of people get their breast implants replaced every 8 to 10 years. Following are some signs that indicate that you may remove or replace your breast implants:
- Saline rupture: A saline implant may rupture due to a tear in the implant sheet. If this happens, your saline implant may leak out and get absorbed by your body. The affected breast will lose its shape and size, which results in it looking dramatically different from the other breast. But you should keep in mind that breast implant ruptures are very rare.
- Silicone rupture: Like saline implants, silicone implants can also rupture. Silicone gel is much thicker than saline because of which it does not leak out after the rupture and often stays inside the implant. Therefore, silicon ruptures are also termed silent ruptures.
- Hardening: You may develop hardened scar tissue around your implants, causing tightness, pain, and abnormal cosmetic changes to the breast. Hardness can occur more than once in the same breast.
What Are the Different Types Of Incisions Used For Breast Augmentation?
Four types of incisions are used for breast augmentation surgery: transaxillary, inframammary, areolar, and trans-umbilical breast augmentation. Out of these periareolar and inframammary are the two most common types.
- Periareolar incision: In this, the surgeon makes an incision near the lower half of the areola, to hide the scar. The periareolar incision has the most optimal outcome when it is combined with mastopexy or breast lift. These are often recommended for patients having poorly defined inframammary folds or in those prone to hypertrophic scarring.
- Inframammary incision: In this incision, a crease is made under the breast, as a result, the surgeon now has maximum access when placing the implants. This type of incision is highly recommended for patients getting silicone implants as it exposes the breast tissue-pectoralis muscle interface.
What Are the Different Implant Placement Options For Breast Implants?
Generally, breast implants have three types of placements: over the pectoralis muscle, under the pectoralis muscle, or behind the pectoralis muscle. Pectoralis is a large fan-shaped or large shell-shaped major muscle of your body. This muscle does not cover the outer region of the chest wall. Following are the different placements of breast implants concerning the pectoralis muscle:
- Over-the-muscle breast implant: Often referred to as subglandular implant placement. This type of placement is best for natural-looking breasts that age well. The recovery rate is much faster than under the muscle breast implants. The only downside of this placement is that it can increase the chances of capsular contracture. In capsular contracture, tightening of scar muscles surrounding the implant occurs.
- Under the muscle breast implant: Often referred to as submuscular implant placement. This placement reduces the chances of capsular contracture by up to 10%. The only downside of under-the-muscle breast implants is their long recovery time, making them uncomfortable for several days. And it also takes longer for the swelling to reduce. Thus, the patient has to wait longer for results.
What Are the Differences Between Silicone Breast Implants and Gummy Bear Implants?
Gummy bear implants have a thicker gel as compared to traditional silicone implants, because of which they are firmer, hold their shape better, and feel more natural to touch. Gummy bear implants are famous nowadays as they stimulate the feeling of young women’s breasts. The best advantage of gummy bear implants is that they do not have to fit around your existing breast tissue. In addition to this, gummy bear implants have a low probability of rupturing as compared to silicone implants. Because of all these advantages, the price of gummy bear implants is higher than that of traditional silicone implants.
Can I Get Breast Augmentation Surgery Before Having Children?
Yes, you can get augmentation surgery before having children. It is suggested that if you plan on not having children soon, then you may get breast augmentation surgery, and if you are planning to have children in the immediate future, then it is better to wait. But keep in mind that it is already proven that breast implants have no impact on your fertility or the health of your baby, and most women with breast implants can breastfeed their child.
Do You Offer Textured Breast Implants?

No, we are not. Breast implants having a rough surface, often compared to sandpaper, are known as textured breast implants. These types of implants adhere to the tissue surrounding them, preventing them from moving around in the implant pocket created by the surgeon. Studies show that people with textured implants have a higher risk of a rare type of cancer known as breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA ALCL). The risk is as high as 1 in 1000.  We do not offer textured breast implants as they were recalled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the FDA.

What are the different types of breast surgery?
There are two different types of breast augmentation surgery performed by our American board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Askari breast surgery for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons.
Cosmetic Breast Augmentation:
     - Completed for esthetic purposes
     - The most common reason for breast augmentation surgery 
     - May enlarge naturally small breasts
     - Can restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss
Breast Reconstruction:
     - Often done as part of the treatment for breast cancer
     - May provide symmetry and form to the breast
     - Can restore the breast after surgical intervention
What are the risks of breast augmentation and breast implants?

Every surgery has risks and complications. Some common risks and complications following breast augmentation in Miami Florida include pain in the breasts, infection at incision sites, sensations in the breasts or nipples that may or may not go away, rupture or leaking of the implant, increased bleeding at incision sites, fluid accumulation, and Capsular Contracture (hardening around the implant, distorting shape, or causing pain). Communication with your plastic surgeon regarding any pain, bleeding, signs of infection, or abnormal concerns is essential in reducing risk or harm after breast augmentation surgery. In rare cases, patients can also experience something called breast implant illness, where their body rejects the implants.

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