Breast reduction removes excess breast tissue, including skin, breast tissue, and fat, from the breasts. The goals can vary depending on the patient’s needs, as well. For instance, reducing very large breasts can be an important step toward eliminating chronic pain in the back or shoulder pain. Breast reduction can also help fight sagging skin and restore a youthful aesthetic after weight loss or childbirth, as well as due to the aging process.
Undergo breast reduction surgery is often a choice for patients with physical discomfort, poor posture, or large breasts. Removing excess skin and excess breasts allows the patient’s appearance and breast size to change. Multiple plastic surgery techniques can be used during this cosmetic procedure to achieve smaller breasts.
In the traditional breast reduction/lift procedure, an incision is made around the nipple and areola. It extends vertically to the breast crease (the point where your breast joins your chest). Another incision is made horizontally along the fold, creating an upside-down T shape.
Your surgeon can then reposition the areola and nipple, as well as place your breast higher up on your chest. Glandular tissue, excess fat, and skin will be removed. During the process, your surgeon will also reduce your breast size and change the breast shape. It’s important to work with an experienced surgeon because of the blood supply. If compromised or insufficient in the new position, it can lead to discoloration of the tissue and even loss of nipple sensation.
This plastic surgery procedure is like the traditional breast reduction procedure, but with one key difference: it helps improve the fullness of your breasts. As such, it is a good option for women with thinning or sagging breasts.
The same incisions are made with this process. However, rather than removing all of the tissue, the surgeon will only remove some. The remainder of the breast tissue is carefully tucked into the breast itself and then sutured. This allows the surgeon to use your natural tissue as an “implant” and improve the fullness of your breasts while also resizing and lifting them.
The breast reduction process is an invasive procedure. It does require surgery. However, the procedure has been refined considerably and while you will have some scars from the process, they will be less obvious than in years past.
The most obvious scars will be along the bottom of your breast and in the breast crease. Initially, these will be red and inflamed. Over time, the inflammation will decrease, and the color will change. Eventually, the scars will fade and with proper care, may become all but invisible. You must care for your incision scars properly after the procedure to minimize visibility, though. Your surgeon will instruct you on care, including bathing and what types of lotions to use.
Understanding what to expect in terms of recovery is important to ensure the best possible outcome. After your surgery, your surgeon will ask you to wear a surgical bra for several weeks. This will help hold your breast tissue and skin in position while the healing process begins. It will also help ensure proper blood flow.
Most patients can return to work within a week to 10 days after their procedure but must abstain from physical activities. You should be able to resume moderate exercise within six to eight weeks, but your surgeon will provide you with a customized timeline based on your personal results during post-op visits. Patients should understand that complications are possible. Some of the most common include bruising and scarring. In some cases, the look and size of the left and right breasts might be slightly different. You can help avoid this by choosing the most experienced surgeon for breast reduction surgery in Miami, FL. In very rare instances, you may have trouble breastfeeding after reduction, or you may lose feeling in your breasts and/or nipples.
Breast reduction costs vary from patient to patient based on several factors. The most crucial factor is the amount of reduction – the volume of tissue that must be removed. Any additional procedures will also increase the cost. Discussing during your breast reduction consultation with your surgeon about the surgical techniques and options for you will allow you to get a better pricing idea. Costs involved include fees for anesthesia, facility-related costs, medical tests, post-surgery garments, the surgeon’s fee, and pain medication after the surgery.
On average, you can expect to pay around $6,000 for a breast reduction in Miami, FL. $6,000 for a breast reduction in Miami, FL. In some cases, health insurance may cover some portion of a breast reduction procedure. This is particularly true for patients who have a body mass index (BMI) score of under 30 or 35. Note that some insurers will require proof that you have tried to reduce your breast size through other methods first, such as diet and exercise, before approving surgery. Some insurers will not cover the procedure at all.
The best candidates for breast reduction surgery in Miami, FL, are in good overall health but are experiencing neck or back pain, shoulder discomfort, or skin irritation from the size of their breasts. Patients with large breasts than their body size or frame are also good candidates.
You may also be a good candidate if you are experiencing low self-esteem because of your breasts or their position or lack of fullness. Discussing your medical history, breast cancer history, or any major surgery will be necessary to determine your candidacy for this cosmetic surgery.
The breast reduction process begins with an initial consultation. You’ll speak with our experienced plastic surgeon about your symptoms and goals, and they will help you set realistic expectations for the process, as well as discuss the options that can help you achieve the results that you want.
Your plastic surgeon will discuss the specifics of your procedure ahead of time, including an estimate of how long it will take. After the procedure, you will recover at the facility, and someone will need to drive you home. You’ll be provided with aftercare garments, as well as instructions on how to care for the incisions and when to come back for your follow-up appointment.
After the consultation, the surgeon will set an appointment for the procedure. In most cases, your surgery will occur at a surgical facility rather than a hospital and will be an outpatient procedure. You’ll need to arrive early for your appointment to sign papers and begin the anesthesia.
The breast reduction process begins with an initial consultation. You’ll speak with our experienced plastic surgeon about your symptoms and goals, and they will help you set realistic expectations for the process, as well as discuss the options that can help you achieve the results that you want.
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